Seamless lending and swaping on zkSync

Where Smart Borrowing Meets zK Innovation

Audit completed by

In Collaboration with

zkFinance DEX & TGE event in Q3 2024.

Start earning reward points now and benefit from our

airdrop program

UPcoming integration with thorwallet dex

THORWallet DEX will collaborate with zkFinance to offer its users immediate access to zkFinance Borrow and Lending pools.

Forget about high fees and network congestion

Connect your wallet to borrow, lend, bridge, swap, and more. Take advantage of the fast and cheap transactions enabled by zkSync, a layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum.


Supply or borrow to be part of the airdrop. Participate to get your share of the 20M $ZGT that will be distributed.

Learn more

What are the benefits
for ZGT holders

Real Yield

Fee discounts

Community Rewards

Zynking up the DeFi world

Borrow or lend your crypto. Earn rewards

Lend out your crypto to earn passive income. Enjoy  low fees and high security  thanks to zero knowledge technology.

Simplifying entry

In zkFinance we provide all the tools for users to access the zkSync ecosystem. Bridge or use our cross-chain swap tooland get access to top lending opportunities.

Swaps recharged

In a later stage you will be able to swap to any token in the zkSync world using our concentrated liquidity DEX.

Zynking up the DeFi world

Borrow or lend your crypto. Earn rewards

Lend out your crypto to earn passive income. Enjoy  low fees and high security  thanks to zero knowledge technology.

Simplifying entry

In zkFinance we provide all the tools for users to access the zkSync ecosystem. Bridge or use our cross-chain swap tool and get access to top lending opportunities.

Swaps recharged

In a later stage you will be able to swap to any token in the zkSync world using our concentrated liquidity DEX.

How ZKFinance works

Supply assets to earn yield and to use as collateral

Borrow assets against your deposited  collateral

Borrow up to Maximum loan-to-value  (LTV) ratio, which is calculated using your specific Collateral x Debt combination

If you reach Liquidation LTV (>Max LTV), you can lose your collateral via liquidation while retaining borrowed assets.

Our Values

Only Prime Assets

Lending markets for only the biggest and safest assets in the market. No more collateral assets will be added thus minimizing risk for the protocol and lenders.

Top Oracle Partners

Price accuracy certified by two of the best-know oracles, Chainlink and DIA, with an embedded fallback solution. Decentralized and verifiable.

Decentralized from get go

After a secure kick-off. The admin key will be destroyed. The protocol will run for eternity.

No Governance needed

No governance needed. No further changes in protocol parameters. Stakers benefit from the low risk profile of the assets in the protocol.